During one of the largest 5 day e-sport fairs in the world, which took place in the French capital, we saw the latest innovations from the world of games, technological innovations as well as a host of cosplay or e-sport competitions, idols from the world of internet and youtubers.
The largest gaming manufacturers, Activision, EA, Squere Enix, Ubisoft, Sony or Epic Games presented their latest offerrings. Preview versions were available for play of titles such as : Final Fantasy, Marvels Avengers, Life is Strange2, Dragon Quest Builders 2, and Greedfall.
E-sport competitions during the event brought together the best world class players and their fans – such as the Electonic Sports World Cup Thanks to the close co-operation between Quersus and ESWC, the players were able to sit on our gaming chairs. Quersus chairs could also be tried out during e-sport battles on the XP Gaming School and Scuf Gaming stands.